Sunday, July 8, 2012

Q and R are for:

Yes, yes, I am a huge slacker.  Well, not so much a slacker as incredibly busy and habitually exhausted! Anyway! Here are my next two. Mom is up to R, so I better catch the hell up! It's my blog mom, I can say hell if I want.

Q is for quilts! When I worked at JoAnn fabrics, I already had one potentially expensive crafting habit (knitting, which was the topic for K). Knitting doesn't have to be expensive, but it is when you do it like I do. I am now a yarn snob, no $2 skeins of Red Heart acrylic shit for me! But back to the letter at hand, quilting! Employees get free class admission, so I took the quilting class. I loved it! As with knitting, quilting allows me to be creative within the structured confines of a pattern. It speaks to both my left and right brain! I can pick out cool fabrics that look great together, while enjoying the technical aspects of getting everything perfect! Here is a pic of a quilt I happened to have handy. I have more, and better, but I still like this one. The mushrooms are trippy!

See the straight stitching lines? Those are a bitch and a half to get right! So for some present giving occasion or another, Mom decided to enable my habit and bought me a free form embroidery foot for my machine, and now I quilt in squiggles!

R is for rats. I'm just gonna let the adorableness of the following pictures speak for themselves.

Go check out mom's idea for what R means to her right over here!